Tips & Tricks on running a PHP-Usergroup
You can find a list of links we found helpful for getting a usergroup up and running.
If you know other links that you think might be helpful please either send us a pull request or a short note
via the contact-form.
General Resources about PHP Usergroups
- PHP-Usergroup on
Have a look at the resources has to offer. You should think about subscribing to the UG-Admin mailinglist.
And there is also the Usergroup-Handbook!
- 7PHP on "How to start a PHP-Usergroup"
Informations from PHP-Guys and -Gals that started a PHP-Usergroup.
- Voices of the elephpant
A Podcast-series by the one and only Cal Evans often featuring leaders
of PHP-Usergroups and always giving a lot of valuable insight.
- Michelangelo van Dam on how to start a usergroup
- Michelangelo von Dam summarizes what to do and to expect when starting a new usergroup
General Resources about Usergroups - Not PHP-Specific
- Atlassian Usergroup Cookbook
Atlassian provides excellent resources for setting up an Atlassian Usergroup. Skip some details and you
can use it for PHP-Usergroups as well.
Atlassian Usergroup Checklist
It's as always: If you can't automate it at least have a checklist at hand! And this one from Atlassian
comes in quite handy if you do not already have your own one.
Sponsorship and Partnership-Projects
Zend Usergroup-Afiliate-Program
Zend can help you get a commision on purchase made via your website. And on top of that your
usergroup-members will also get a discount on their purchase.
JetBrains sponsorship
JetBrains has announced a sponsorship-program for usergroups as well as conferences or other tech stuff.
Engineyards Usergroup program
Engineyard also set up a usergroup program for PHP-Usergroups. You might even get a sponsorship for one of
your meetings.